Our three main pillars:

Our Objectives:

The Athletes Speakers project aims to develop, test and implement an innovative tailor-made education and training programme that empowers elite athletes to become active through the improvement of their communication skills. Having good communication skills is key to influencing others and creating powerful teams, and relationships where to join forces and achieve successful outcomes. The project’s actions are built on three distinctive objectives:

1. To research other communication programmes focused on communication for athletes, which will provide valuable information and support the quality and innovation of Athletes Speakers.

2. To offer an innovative programme focused on the development of athletes’ communication skills, targeting elite athletes equally distributed according to their gender, with and without disabilities.

3. To raise awareness and sustainability of the Athletes Speakers programme, expanding its reach and accessibility.

In the scope of the project, an education and training programme will be developed, alongside a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), specific tutorials held on a YouTube channel and a Handbook with guidelines for sports organisations about how to implement the programme and increase the voice of athletes. The project will engage 56 active elite athletes, who are in need of support to improve their public image and recognition as role models, which primarily affects their upcoming career transition.


Transnational Project Meetings

Transnational Project Meetings

Multiplier Sport Events

Multiplier Sport Events

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Get in touch with the project's coordinator.

Find us at the office

Bul. ASNOM 1, Skopjie, North Macedonia.

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